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Crocus Bulbs - Time to get growing

It is the perfect time to add colour and life to your garden with the addition of some beautiful crocuses. Crocus bulbs are easy to grow and generally require very little in the way of care and attention. With well-drained soil and plenty of sunlight, your crocuses will thrive.

You may notice however, that even with the optimum growing conditions, that after a year or so your bulbs may not bloom. If you find this problem starts to occur in your garden, you may find that you can rectify this issue by digging up and splitting the bulbs. You should soon notice your bulbs will start to bloom once again. Newly planted bulbs should not suffer from this problem.

The best time to dig up and split your crocus bulbs is once the foliage has died and turned from green to yellow.

When purchasing crocus bulbs, check to make sure they are healthy and free from any soft areas or rotting spots. If your bulbs are healthy and in a good condition, you should not encounter any disease or pest problems at a later date.

You may discover however, that visiting squirrels may be inclined to dig up and eat your tender crocus bulbs. Protect your bulbs by covering them with a fine wire mesh. Remember to make sure the openings are wide enough for the plants to protrude through easily once they start to grow.

If you do not have any space in your border to plant any crocus bulbs, you could create a planter or potted display instead.