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Cutting your hedge for winter

As autumn really starts to take hold and winter approaches, it is time for all keen gardeners to start trimming and tiding up the garden hedges.

Although this can be extremely hard work and can take up the best part of a weekend, hedge cutting is extremely rewarding. It is worth remembering this task only really needs doing once every 12-18 months and will result in a trim and tidy hedge for the year to come.

Before you start, it is worth taking into account the amount of hedge you have to cut and decide whether it is worth investing in an electric hedge trimmer. At Keen Gardener we have an extensive range of high quality, branded hedge trimmers. A small outlay now can result in years of reliable performance and a large reduction in your workload.

If you already own an electric hedge trimmer, remember to clean it well before use and if necessary, sharpen the blades. To protect your blades, you will need to apply oil every 5 to 10 minutes once you have started the cutting process. This will reduce excessive wear and prevent your blades from overheating. You can use a can of oil or a wide brush to apply oil to the blades.

Remember to wear eye protection as sharp debris can be thrown up and ear protection should also be worn if you intend to be using the machinery for a long period of time. First start by cutting the sides, then the top of the hedge. Remember not to lean on the hedge as you could fall through or damage the shape of your hedge.

Use a sweeping motion when cutting the hedge to allow the excess trimmings to fall to the ground. For those tricky twigs and brambles keep a pair of secateurs at hand to tidy any stray strands.

Finally spend a little time to research how to cut your specific variety of hedge as each type will requires different levels of care.