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Everything plus the Kitchen Sink - Napoleon Press Release

Looking to Clean Up? Not content with the run-of-the-mill indoor kitchen, Napoleon® Grills has a new unit that will convert a barbecue into an outdoor kitchen, sink and all. Prepping, grilling and washing up can all take place in the great outdoors!

Its a developing trend; the creation of outdoor leisure and cooking spaces has existed at the top end of the market for some time with built-in units and accessories, but this is the first time Napoleon has created a kitchen to fit its LE and LEX free-standing gas barbecues. An all singing, all dancing LE1 model barbecue plus kitchen unit coming in at a surprisingly modest £1200. Sold on its own, the LE Kitchen retails at around £400.

Its a neat unit; 75cm wide x 63cm deep x 86cmm high and made of stainless steel, it comprises a sink with tap and waste, (complete with debris trap and filter). There is a storage shelf along its width and a cabinet storage area underneath. The water supply comes from a normal outdoor water outlet, via a regular hose connector through to the tap.

To connect to one of Napoleons LE or LEX barbecues, the side shelf of the barbecue is removed, the sink attached to the barbecue and then the side shelf reattached to the end of the sink unit providing a cohesive all-in-one outdoor kitchen. Easy-peasy.