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Going Green in the Garden

The big trend this coming season is ˜green gardening. You may already be saving energy or recycling around the home, and it is easy to adapt similar practices outdoors too. Whether it be organic gardening or composting, it is easy to save money and do your bit towards helping the environment.

Compost Bin
Every garden requires healthy and nutrient-rich soil in order to thrive. Your first step to a healthy garden is to use a compost pile. The compost pile will transform food scraps and garden waste into an organic fertilizer and soil additive. Compost piles are easy to construct and maintain. Fill your compost bin with all your organic waste: food scraps, grass clippings etc. Do not, however, add dog or cat manure. Add worms, snails or other decomposers to your compost bin to speed up the process. Then, fold and mix your compost bin at least once a month to ensure oxygen circulation. Note that a compost bin requires several months before it is suitable for use in the garden, but don't worry: there are several organic alternatives you can use in the meantime. Once you establish a functioning compost bin, you will have an inexpensive and sustainable way to fertilize your garden.

Gardening Mix
To begin your garden, you can either purchase an organic gardening mix at your local nursery or make your own. Generally, the following recipe is acceptable for most plants:
One part compost
One part humus
One part sand
One part top soil
Cover your garden plot with least 6 inches of the mix. Then you are ready to sew seeds or plant seedlings.

Organic Fertilizers
Fertilizer should be added every other time you water your garden”about once a week, depending on weather. The following are great organic fertilizers:
Worm Castings: Worm castings have a neutral pH and are suitable for all plants. Your local nursery will tell you how much to use depending on the size of your garden and which plants you are growing.
Compost: A thin layer of compost can be added to your topsoil every other time you water.
Coffee grounds: Used coffee grounds are an excellent natural fertilizer and can be added directly to your plants or compost bin.

There are numerous organic pesticides to control this inevitable problem. Know which type of pest you are dealing with before you select any type of organic pesticide.
Neem Oil -works against leaf-chewing pests.
Insecticidal Soap - suitable for use against soft-bodied pests, including aphids.
Rotenone - available in powder or liquid form and used as a broad-spectrum insecticide.
Diatomaceous Earth - a dry, powdery substance derived from the shells of marine organisms used to detour and kill crawling pests, such as pill bugs, ants and cockroaches.
Organic gardening yields vigorous crops and contributes to an overall healthy environment. By implementing organic practices in your garden, you can ensure that your plants are naturally healthy and strong.