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Infrared technology - a quick sizzle and it’s seared - Napoleon Press Release

The SIZZLE ZONE - a hot night club? An overworked tanning machine? A holiday resort for burning Brits? All wrong. Its Napoleon®s infrared BBQ burner. The intense heat it generates sears food, locking in the moisture and the flavour - succulent and tasty steaks and burgers in less than half the cooking time.

Many of Napoleon®s gas barbecues have one of these SIZZLE ZONEs„¢ in addition to the standard gas burners, offering another cooking option. The heat they emit is consistent, yet controllable; for instantaneous searing the burners can be set to high, for slower cooking they can be turned down.

The burner creates infrared radiant energy. In each burner, 10,000 ports each with its own tiny flame cause the surface of the ceramic to glow red and heat up to 1800°F. This glow emits the same type of infrared heat to the food that is found with charcoal but the SIZZLE ZONE„¢ is so much easier to regulate.

o Super quick “ turn on and get ready to grill immediately
o Less time needed to cook (up to 4 times quicker) means less gas used
o Infrared burners are more fuel efficient than tube burners. Tube burners heat the
air around them which in turn rises to heat the food, the rays from an infrared
burner penetrate the food directly.
o Ultra hot searing locks in natural juices and prevents food drying out.