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Looking After and Maintaining Orchids

Not only are orchids, eye catching, colourful and beautiful but they are one of the most developed of plant families with the region of twenty thousand different species.

If you would like to try your hand at growing orchids the main rule to follow is to replicate the conditions in which the plant grows naturally.

It is not essential to have a greenhouse to successfully grow orchids. Unlike some house plants orchids are relatively easy to keep. They have only a few basic needs.

A good light source is essential if you want to bloom orchids. To judge whether or not your plant has enough light, use the leaves as an indicator. You are looking to achieve a grass green shade, as this will show the plant has sufficient sunlight. If you notice the leaves starting to yellow, move into a shaded area. If the leaves turn dark green your orchid is not being exposed to enough light. A south or east facing window will provide the best light source.

Orchids should not be watered more then once a week. Most will benefit from being under-watered as oppose to overwatered, although do not allow your orchid to dry out completely.

A healthy orchid should have white, firm roots with a green tip.

The average room temperature will be acceptable to allow your orchid to grow well. Although many people believe you should not expose orchids to any form of breeze, in their natural environment orchids are usually exposed to regular or even constant breezes. You will find the circulating air will help prevent disease.

Try introducing this elegant plant into your home and discover that orchids are not as demanding as you may think.