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Organic Planting Basics

One of the most interesting features that you can have in your home is a garden. However, there are a lot of things that you need to take into consideration when growing one. For example, how are you supposed to create the garden layout? What are the features that you need to incorporate in the garden? How about outdoor furniture pieces? And which garden plants should you grow “ herbal, ornamental, vegetables or flowering shrubs? Finally, what are you supposed to use to feed the soil and get rid of the possible pests to harm your plants? Its the last part that we will try to discover here.

Important Elements when Tending to an Organic Garden

Basically, your goal if you would like to maintain a garden is that it should be as eco-friendly as possible “ and the garden maintenance steps that you will use should be organic. For this, it simply means that you will not be using chemical-based product to fertilize the soil or get rid of pests. What are you supposed to use instead? Take a look at the following list:

1. Organic Soil Conditioner
Remember that plants get their nutrients from sunlight and the soil. If you have soil which is not filled with nutrients, your plants might not as well grow. The organic soil conditioner that you can use includes grass clippings, dried leaves, food scraps and animal waste.

2. Organic Soil Nutrients
Another important factor that you need to consider when maintaining an organic garden is the quality of soil that it is planted on. For this, you can maintain a compost bin in your garden. You simply need to allot space where you can store layers of soil, organic wastes and biodegradable wastes from your kitchen “ then layer it with another pile of garden soil. Once the organic wastes disintegrate and worms are present, this can be used as an organic fertilizer for your garden.

3. Organic Pesticides
Manual checking is the best way to go if you want to maintain an organic garden. But if you dont have time for it, you can still opt to use organic pesticides. If your plants are not growing, lack of water or soil nutrients are other possible reasons that you need to consider before actually resorting to using organic pesticides.

All in all, maintaining an organic garden might be a bit difficult task “ but it is definitely fulfilling once you already see the fruits of your labor in the form of healthy, organically grown plants.

About the Author - Emma Spivey writes for solar pond fountain, her personal hobby blog focused on tips to design and eco-friendly garden using solar power.