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Potato Barrels - Start Planting It's on offer

If you have ever considered growing your own vegetables in the past, but have been reluctant to do so due to a lack of space, try using a potato barrel. Not only do they take up only a small amount of space, but they can be conveniently stored away when not in use.

All you need to enjoy your own crop of potatoes is, multi purpose compost, a few potato seeds, and a potato barrel. Not only are potato barrels practical,but they can also make an attractive feature to patio or decked areas.

The planting process can start from March onwards.

First place six inches of compost in your barrel. Add three to five tubers onto the surface of the compost (ensure the shoot faces upwards) and cover with a further four to six inches of compost. Once this has been done, water. It is important not to overwater your compost. It should be kept moist but not saturated.

Within a few weeks you will notice shoots sprouting through the compost. Once these shoots are around five inches long, top up your barrel with compost so only the tips of the shoots are visible.

After a further ten weeks you should notice flowers appearing. This indicates that your crop is ready and can be harvested. Carefully remove your crop and enjoy.

At Keen Gardener we are offering an outstanding deal on victorian potato barrels.