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The charcoal barbie that thinks it’s a gas model - Napoleon Press Release

Oh yes Im the Great Pretender sang the aptly named The Platters. Its a line that describes perfectly Napoleon®s Mirage charcoal barbecue. Another might be the idiom. A wolf in sheeps clothing, for the Mirage has the style and pazazz of a gas grill but all the fun of the flame.

It is the ultimate for die-hard charcoal fans who covet the sleek, stainless steel styling of some gas barbecues, but know that ˜real men only cook over coals! It is the Mirage M605RBCSS and is priced at £1199.

Beefy in more ways than one, the Mirage„¢ has a large primary cooking area and also a warming rack. Seriously heavy duty, the double-lined stainless steel roll top lid keeps the heat in and the temperature on track “ and with adjustable air vents and a built in temperature gauge theres no guessing if its done, youll know.

So no excuses here for poor performance; the charcoal bed is adjustable and you can add
more coals via the double walled front loading door during the cooking process. Flexibility all round, a stylish solution for the age-old thrill of cooking over coals.