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Tool Care

In these quieter months, it is advisable to spend some time maintaining your garden tools. Remember tools do need looking after all year round and regular checks will keep you safe

    • Before and after every use, spray hedgecutter blades with oil to lubricate and prevent rust
    • Check the cables and plugs of power tools for damage and make sure safety guards are intact.
    • Damaged power tools and lawnmower blades are best repaired or replaced by professionals.
    • Always make sure your garden machines have fresh fuel and keep oil levels topped up.
    • Disconnect sparkplugs when machines are not in use and before embarking on a service.
    • Unplug electric mowers before cleaning then scrub grass and soil from mower blades with a stiff brush and hose.

    • Remove rust from blades of secateurs, knives, hoes and spades with a wire brush then sharpen using a sharpening stone lubricated with general purpose oil. Wipe over blades with an oily rag before storing.

Wooden handles
Bare wooden handles benefit from boiled linseed oil. Rub the oil on with a rag and allow the wood to absorb the first coat before applying more oil. This prevents drying out and splintering. If a wooden handle is very dirty, remove as much of the soil as possible with a stiff brush. If you need to use water, gently wet the handle with a damp cloth, making sure that you don't soak the wood, as this may cause the grain to lift and the handle to swell.

Tool sharpening
Some tools will become blunt with use and their cutting edges will need to be sharpened. Blunt blades may be sharpened with a fine metal file, but badly damaged or worn blades should be replaced. If you have any doubts about how to carry out the repairs consult your local servicer. Remove any rust with a wire brush and wipe over with an oily rag; use a general-purpose oil. Blades on shears, forks, spades and other tools will soon rust if they are not given this quick, effective treatment regularly.

To sharpen blades of knives and secateurs, use a fine sharpening stone from a hardware store. First, prepare it with a few drops of general-purpose lubricating oil. For a straight-bladed knife, push it forwards and to the side, exerting a little downward pressure. Then turn the knife over and, holding the blade almost flat against the stone, brush it across the surface to take off any rough edges. Use the same method to sharpen secateurs and hoes. It may be easier to move the stone as you move the blade. It is important to sharpen only the outside blade on bypass secateurs and the upper surface of hoes.

Finish off by wiping over the blade with an oily rag before storing. Hoes should be stored with the blade uppermost, ideally suspended from a hook on the wall. The same procedure may be carried out with the cutting edges of spades. In very stony and heavy soils, this sharpening process may need repeating during the season.

Electric mowers
Unplug the lawnmower before starting any cleaning and remove any caked-on earth and grass from the undersides with a stiff brush. Stubborn debris can be loosened with a little water and some gentle encouragement with a scraper. While you are cleaning, check for cracks and damage on the plastic covers.
Blunt blades may be sharpened with a fine metal file, but replace badly worn or damaged blades. If you have any doubts about how to carry out the repairs, consult your local servicer.

Power tools
Power tools such as hedgecutters, strimmers and chain saws are powerful time-saving devices for gardeners but need more care and attention to prolong their life and keep them safe to use. Damaged tools may need professional repair, particularly chainsaws and worn blades on hedgetrimmers. Before each use ensure the fuel is fresh, the oil is topped up and safety guards are intact. On electric tools make sure plugs have a working fuse and flexes arent frayed or worn. If a cable has been cut, shorten or replace it.

Spray the metal surfaces of tools with a light coating of general-purpose oil to prevent them rusting. Don't forget to spray blades that are difficult to reach, such as those on hedge cutters. Turn on the tool to make sure the oil works its way into all areas. To service a two-stroke petrol hedgetrimmer remove and clean the air filter and test that the recoil is in good condition. Clean the spark plug and use feeler gauges to check and adjust the gap.