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Wooden Cold Frames

If you do not have the space in your garden for a greenhouse a cold frame can work as an excellent alternative. The semi permanent structure will provide shelter and warmth for plants and seedlings.

Cold frames have many uses. From germinating seeds to even growing vegetables such as cucumbers, lettuce, spinach and radishes a cold frame is an essential piece of equipment in any garden .

Cold frames are also perfect for hardening off your plants. Hardening off is the process used before planting directly into your garden. The process gradually exposes your young tender plants to wind, sun and rain and toughens them up. Often done in a green house a cold frame can work equally as well.

Wooden cold frames work particularly well as the wooden sides absorb the warmth of the sun through the day keeping plants warm overnight.

Building one of our wooden cold fame is a relatively simple process. Once erected you need to decide where to situate your cold frame.

If possible your cold frame should be southwards facing. This will maximise sunlight exposure. If you are unable to situate your cold frame in a southernly direction a western exposure should be your second choice. Where possible avoid a northern exposure as this is the least desirable position due to the lack of direct sunlight.

During particularly hot days you may want to open a window to allow extra ventilation into your cold frame. During a cold snaps it is a good idea to cover your cold frame to add extra insolation.

At Keen Gardener we have a variety of cold frames & Wooden cold frames to choose from.